Saturday, January 14, 2012

First Week of Class - 01/10/12

I can't  believe the semester is starting already!  The first week of class has gone by in a blur.  At least I can say I absolutely love my classes.

The first night in EDUC 2250, we broke into groups and tried to define EDUCATION.  What struck me was how difficult it was to come up with a single definition that truly encompassed its meaning.  My group came up with:  The transmission of knowledge from one to another. I think it is a nice basic definition.  But, after hearing other group's descriptions, it was clear that there is so much more to it.  Some defined it as schooling or the act of teaching.  Some defined education as content based.  Others said it was an accumulative process.  Some spoke of education being valued based or spiritual and emotional attainment.  I walked away from the discussion with a feeling that education could be defined as a compilation of all of the above.  The definition is kind of elusive and dynamic in nature.  It's difficult to pin down one definition.  I have no doubt we will spend the whole semester defining the word and our definition and understanding of the word will change as we go.  I'm looking forward to the challenge!

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